A sudden outburst of temper, often used to describe female anger at something trivial.
Examples for "hysterical fit"
Examples for "hysterical fit"
1At this Willy burst out into an hysterical fit of crying and sobbing.
2This unnatural gaiety ended, I fancy, in an hysterical fit.
3The Duchess went into a helpless, half- hysterical fit of laughter.
4In the midst of her anguish, Hortense heard, and the hysterical fit came on again.
5A hysterical fit of sobbing was the only reply.
1Because I heard you had a hissy fit on the way here.
2Or has the Ticketmaster computer had a bit of a hissy fit?
3Katya will have a hissy fit about me washing out my hair.
4She probably would have interrupted the broadcast to throw a hissy fit.
5Yeah, well, God was having a hissy fit, probably in hysterics right now.
6I'm mid hissy fit and don't know how to get out of it.
7Throw a hissy fit, see if that made her more memorable next time.
8Having a hissy fit occasionally can be good for you.
9He blames the hunky hunky firefighter who promptly throws a hissy fit and cries.
10Because your daughter reacted in a rational manner and didn't throw a hissy fit?
11When the police finally got here, they were going to have a forensics hissy fit.
12Lindsey Graham's reptilian hissy fit was quite something.
13I can't have just a little hissy fit.
14In a moment our tongues will meet like lovers' tongues, as the river throws a hissy fit.
15And the sun, which is subject to 11-year cyclical activity patterns, is currently throwing a hissy fit.
16When he had told her that she was too young to date, she'd thrown a hissy fit.